Author: MO-Studios-Blog

checking emails

How to: Jewellery Business Newsletters

Newsletters can be a great tool to enticing customers to return and buy from you again. You can utilise them to inform customers of important business updates and new products. But what are the steps you need to take to ensure you get the most out of newsletters for your jewellery business? Avoid creating spam...


Tiktok Advertising: Marketing your Jewellery

Tiktok has swiftly grown to be one of the most popular social media sites. This is probably due to its fast-paced, simple to use nature. It’s easy to understand why companies are expanding their Social Media Marketing to involve the site. There are so many different ways to engage and create content, making TikTok accessible...

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Putting together a successful Jewellery Listing.

One of the first steps to setting up your first jewellery listing and successfully selling jewellery online is choosing the right platform; check out our blog post on the best platforms here before you start reading. Once you have selected your selling platform, it’s time to start putting together your branding. For some sites like eBay, you...

reading blog post newsletter

Refreshing Blog Topics for your Business

Blog posts are a great way to communicate with your customers and build a solid and active community. They're also an effective way of being transparent with your audience and answering frequently asked questions in depth. However, blog posts can fall flat if you don't post consistently. Here are some ideas to help you put together more blog posts for your audience.


Product Photography Tips

In a perfect world, you should get a pro photographer to shoot your products. However, if you are on a tight budget, or if you are familiar with the camera, you can certainly DIY using these product photography tips. Product photography tips that will help you to achieve better results. Ambient light works quite well...