Prop ideas for Product Photography

Serving suggestion photo by MO Studios - prop ideas

Keeping your lifestyle images refreshing and interesting can be difficult. That’s why we put together this list of prop ideas to ensure you get the most out of your lifestyle photos.

Use your product’s ingredients as props

Utilise the ingredients of your product to show your audience visually what goes into making it. Product photos are the primary thing your potential customers will encounter. By showing them what they might miss by ignoring the description or ingredients list, you can grab attention immediately. Likewise, ingredient shots are beneficial for products that USP is their fragrance; by including props of the ingredients, you can encourage your potential customer’s imagination in the way a regular packshot wouldn’t.

Serving suggestions

Serving suggestion photo by MO Studios - prop ideas
MO Studios

Is your product edible? Show visually how it can be used by showing it in a completed dish. This is an excellent way to give your potential customers ideas on how to utilise your product and how delicious it looks outside the packaging.

Create a background using props

Water background by MO STUDIOS prop ideas

If your product has especially busy packaging or multiple parts, it can be challenging to create exciting photos without losing your product to props. This is where the background becomes essential. You can create intriguing product backgrounds using water or even fabric to create an inviting photo without focusing away from your product.

Hand Models

hand model by MO Studios
– mo studios

While this is not necessarily a prop, Hand Models are a great way to show your product in use or worn, encouraging your audience to imagine themselves using/wearing your product.


Tutorial photo by MO Studios
-mo studios

Show the steps to using your product in several photos or even a short 3-second video of it in use. Answer any questions about your product before the customer reaches the description and show precisely how easy your product is to use.

Translating a brand

MO STUDIOS Photography
– mo studios

Is your product a luxury item? Or perhaps your intended audience is children. Showcase your item alongside props that encourage that idea. To illustrate, what do you think of when you hear luxury? Champagne, diamonds, gold? Be sure to, include props in the background that make you feel the word you want to be associated with your product. Similarly, if your audience is children, utilise bright and bold colours and shapes to entice a younger audience.

(Want to see how we achieved this shot? Read more here.)

Utilise Colour in your props

product photo - MO Studios

Firstly, research what colours you want to be associated with your brand. For example, yellow and orange evoke hunger, making them great as a background for food products. At the same time, blue suppresses the appetite; therefore, it would be less effective. Choose colours that evoke the feeling, you want your potential customers to feel and pick props based on those colours.

What do you think about these prop ideas? Let us know in the comments.

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