Author: MO-Studios-Blog

MO STUDIOS jewellery photograpy

Jewellery Photography Tips: How to take the best shots

Anyone who has attempted jewellery photography can express to you the difficulty of showcasing such intricate pieces. From necklaces to diamond rings, it’s essential to approach taking images of them correctly to get the perfect image. This post will share with useful techniques for taking jewellery photos which will make the process a lot easier....

Digital marketing tools on a mac computer

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of advertising and selling goods or services by utilizing social media, email marketing (newsletters), blogs, Google Ads and so much more. It’s how the majority of companies get their business out there, in front of potential customers. One of the key rules is to appear in the right time and place for potential buyers....

camera lenses

Tips when looking for the perfect Camera Lenses

When you own an SLR camera, there are many camera lens options. So, it may be a little overwhelming knowing what to use. Different lenses are suitable for different purposes therefore, it can get confusing pretty fast. Here are a few tips to help you choose between your wide angle and your telephoto. Once you’re...

Product Photography Techniques

Product Photography Techniques

The use of creative product photography gives you the opportunity to showcase your product to an online audience. Regardless of what you are selling, online shoppers prefer photos that infuse life into products. Therefore, good photos really influence purchasing decisions. Your product photos will effectively engage your audience and this will translate into more sales....

Tattoo artist showing photo portfolio to a client

Photo Portfolio Guide for Tattoo Artists

Whether you’re just starting or have been tattooing for years. A beautifully presented photo portfolio is the perfect way to showcase your skills. How to present your photo portfolio There are multiple ways to present your work. It’s a good idea to have options for your clients to peruse. The main distinction is whether you...


15 Amazon Products For Amateur Photographers

It can be so expensive for amateur photographers starting out. Here are some inexpensive products you can purchase from amazon to improve your photography. 1. Ring lights Ring lights are perfect for lighting portrait photos inexpensively. They’re brilliant if you’re documenting your photography journey through youtube or tiktok too, as they are designed to illuminate...