Writing an eCommerce Product Description

Writing an eCommerce Product Description

Online shopping is one of the most efficient ways to get hold of products and services quickly, so it’s no surprise that many businesses are taking their wares into the world of eCommerce. However, its popularity means that it is hard to stand out amongst competitors. This blog will walk you through tips and tricks from experts in the industry in order to help you ensure that your eCommerce product description is helpful and articulate.

Create customer profiles

Know your audience, put together clear customer personas, and discuss how the product will benefit its specific consumer. Having a good idea of your target audience means you can pinpoint what appeals to them and discuss that in your eCommerce product description.

Include specifics in your eCommerce Product descriptions

Product photography infographics

Include a chart with the sizes of the product. It makes it that much easier to picture your products from a customer perspective. You can even do this within your photos using infographics, a common technique utilised by Amazon. Being clear about sizes can reduce your returns rate; it can also mean less communication between yourself and customers, saving you time and money.

Search engine optimisation

SEO eCommerce product descriptions

Create a list of keywords related to your product and its uses; this will mean your product might rank better than your competitors and ensure customers visit your site first. You can find keywords using sites like Similar web or SEM Rush. Also, ensure that your eCommerce product description is readable and accessible by utilising words that are easy to understand; you can double-check your readability and SEO using plugins like Yoast. 

Honesty is the best policy.

Product photos eCommerce description

Whilst emphasising your unique selling points, it’s also important not to get carried away. Embellishing your product description can encourage buyers, but it also can lead to misunderstandings that will cost your business in the long run. Not only can exaggerating damage the trust between yourself and customers, but it can also lead to returns, costing you precious time and money.

When selling second-hand products, it’s essential to highlight damage or faults with the product. Those shopping second hands are aware that what they’re buying could be damaged, so being transparent about this will positively affect your sales as it will highlight how trustworthy you are.

Maybe you’re selling clothes; point out if sizes on a particular product run large or small. Your customers are likely to shop again if they don’t have to return what they purchase due to issues with sizing or the description being misleading.

Show and Tell

MO STUDIOS jewellery photograpy
BY mo studios

Your eCommerce product description isn’t the first thing your customers come across. You need to make an excellent first impression with eye-catching photography; once you’ve made a good impression, customers will go on to read the description. You’ll want to use clear, high-quality photos; it might be a good idea to hire a photographer to ensure you get these right.

High-quality images not only show all of the details of your product, but they also set you apart from the competition. Think about how if you were looking at a page of identical products with similar prices, your eyes would be drawn to the ones with the best photos, even if it isn’t a conscious choice.

Learn more about professional product photo options here.

Unique Selling Points

Call attention to what sets you apart from your competitors in your eCommerce Product descriptions. Perhaps this is colour options or a unique manufacturing process. Point it out! Discuss what uses your product has and how it will improve the buyer’s life. Overall, convince them that this is the product for them.

Water background by MO STUDIOS prop ideas

Layout and Grammar

Spelling mistakes and bad grammar can be offputting as it seems unprofessional and ultimately untrustworthy. However, there is an easy solution. Utilise programmes like Grammarly to double-check spelling and grammar before publishing your product description.

This list has provided many things to consider, therefore, it can mean that your product description is now very bulky and could be daunting for customers. This is where putting together a good layout can help ensure all of the critical information is readable. Utilise bullet points to put together the key facts about the product at the beginning of the description. Put your points in order of importance, too; put the positives and unique selling points first. Utilise a graph/chart for the product sizing, so it stands out.

Writing eCommerce product descriptions can be challenging, but with a good skeleton to work from, it’s much easier to write the next once you’ve written one. Write multiple versions and ask for feedback to see which ones work best for your products; you can always redraft and rewrite. 

grammarly writing eCommerce product description

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