Tag: productphotos

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The Most Important Jewellery Photography Equipment that You Need

Choosing the right photography equipment for your jewellery photography can be overwhelming for some photographers. There is a variety of overpriced equipment that may not produce the results you want available on the online market. It can be difficult to find the equipment that suits your photography skills the best and therefore deliver the desired...

Water background by MO STUDIOS prop ideas

Product Photography: Five Statistics On eCommerce

From this eCommerce product photography statistics infographic, professional product photography helps your website attract more customers and sales and your website’s visitors will feel more trust in your business. As a result, this will help increase your profit margins. There is a solid link between top-quality images in marketing and the increase in sales. Thank...

Product Photography Techniques

Product Photography Techniques

The use of creative product photography gives you the opportunity to showcase your product to an online audience. Regardless of what you are selling, online shoppers prefer photos that infuse life into products. Therefore, good photos really influence purchasing decisions. Your product photos will effectively engage your audience and this will translate into more sales....